Connection means a lot to us, and we believe that lots of little stories create big connection. The #Inu8women series is how we share little stories about women who inspire us through their active lives. Learning from and sharing wisdom with like-minded women helps us to feel stronger, to feel supported and to be free to follow our joy. We believe we are better together.
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To say that Jacqui is an avid traveller is an understatement. She travels for work, lifestyle, choice and mission. Even over the past 2 years!
For the past 12 months she and her husband have explored some of the most remote parts of Australia with little more than an off-road vehicle and a tent.
Jacqui is an Emotional Intelligence and Performance Consultant and Coach, a Tony Robbins Trainer, and the Founder of Bright Futures of Bardia, a charity set up to provide quality education to the children in Bardia, in far Western Nepal - reducing their risk of being trafficked and supporting them to write their own future.
Can you use just a few words to describe how you live your life?
I live my life with passion. If it has got to do with the outdoors, making a difference and connecting with myself and others I’m all in. I like to keep it simple and easy.
What is the work you do in the world?
I choose to support and guide people to see their greatness, claim and expand their power and live passionate authentic lives from the heart.
What does a typical day look like for you – are you able to walk me through it?
Typical day… ummmm nope! Sorry. With variety being one of my top needs this would be a huge fail if I could answer this question! It involves movement that is for sure - mostly hiking, walking or kayaking. The rest is a mystery.
On the road and on the mountain I live in my active wear. It has to make me feel incredible and it has to be ethical. Otherwise you won’t find it in my wardrobe, suitcase or backpack!
It’s not that I don’t care about how I look, I just don’t fuss about my wardrobe. I really value comfort, practicality, and quality. I despise waste and so hold on to pieces for a long time, so they need to be timeless, resistant and kind to me.
What is your favourite way to exercise/move your body? Do you do this regularly? What do you love about it?
Of all my exercise (although I don’t actually call it that) I adore anything that involves open space, trees, rocks, dirt or water. If there are wild animals… well that makes it even more outstanding. I ‘exercise’ to honour my body and my mind, to reconnect and to create space for centring myself and releasing whatever tensions are in my body. I have a massive appreciation for what my body has allowed me to do in life and I want to honour her by treating her kindly. Always.
What is your favourite activewear piece/s? Is there something that you currently own that you cannot do without?
My favourite active wear piece is the sports bras that you don’t have to pull over your head!!! I feel supported and feminine. Does that make me weird? I literally where them everywhere. Ok.. not literally everywhere but virtually.
What have you learnt from the last 2 years that you did not expect?
In the past two years I have learned that there are always choices, and we create our own reality. No matter WHAT the circumstances. I could never have anticipated the journey I had over the past 2 years. Letting go of what was and moving through the unknown has been one of the most magical journeys of my life.
12 months on the road exploring our country and working remotely feels like a dream come true. I am so incredibly grateful for every moment of it.
What do you expect from a new activewear company doing things differently?
When it comes to a new activewear company, I want to know who are the people behind it. Do they genuinely have their customers at the forefront of what they do? Do they genuinely care about the environment and their supply chain? Do they compromise either of these just because it’s easier, cheaper or faster? What do they stand for? Are they committed to making the world a better place? I know it’s a big ask. Life’s too short to settle for less.
Thinking about your favourite activewear piece/s - are there features that are critical to your needs? Please share what they are.
Critical aspects - a pocket big enough to fit my phone and in a location it won’t fall out or jiggle around when I’m jogging. Photos are a key part of my joy and so I always carry my phone. I love that it’s accessible. I am also big on texture. It’s got to feel really lovely on my skin.
What does simplicity mean to you? Is it important to you?
For me simplicity means freedom and the honouring of what is. It isn’t right or wrong. It just is. Simplicity also allows adaptability to adjust to surroundings and situations with ease. Is it important to me? Without simplicity I would never have been able to live the life I have led. It is crucial to flex and flow.
What does a feeling of being connected mean to you?
For me, fundamentally when I think about connection, it’s when I feel I am being seen heard understood and appreciated for ALL of who I am and offer them same to the other person/ people without having to make that happen. It just is. It’s also a sense of oneness. A deep knowing that we are all in this together. Not just as humans, but everything. That feels safe, like a warm blanket.
In general, do you seek out new products that are created sustainably? Is this important to you when purchasing activewear?
Surely we can't keep doing things that are not sustainable! We owe it to the world to make that a priority. It is encouraging to know that there are companies who don’t just focus on sustainability from a business perspective but also all aspects of supply chain and systems.
Which influential women do you admire the most? And why?
I admire women who have the courage and the heart to follow what they know deep down is their truth, regardless of what the ‘voices’ in their (our) heads might say. Those who are vulnerable and strong and have each other’s backs. If I were to pick one….. Brenè Brown inspires me immensely, I love a good story to share a deep message. She is raw and real and you get to take her how she is or miss out. She is honest, open and has the courage to have those tough conversations where she has to put others needs above her own and honour what's true. That’s powerful.
What is exciting you at present?
I’m excited about going back to Nepal after 2 years to further expand the work we are doing in the community and connect with the gorgeous children at the school there.
Is there a phrase or a word that you live by?
Each year I like to choose a word. 2021 was Connection. 2022 it’s Expansion
Is there a message you have for us?
Thank you. Thank you for honouring women, honouring the earth and honouring yourselves.
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Connect with Jacqui on Instagram and Facebook
Find out more about Bright Futures of Bardia and BFOB on Facebook
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