Connection means a lot to us and we believe that lots of little stories create big connection. The #Inu8women series is how we share little stories about women who inspire us through their active lives.
Inu [In-you] is a reminder that everything we need is within. Our #Inu8women series is about connecting with, learning from and sharing wisdom with like-minded women. Recognising that we all have something different to contribute and that we are all a part of something that is bigger than each of us helps us to feel stronger, to feel supported and to be free to follow our joy. We believe we are better together.
We are thrilled to introduce trainer and adventure coach, Rozzie Warne.
Rozzie runs an outdoor adventure group for women over 40 [Fittrek] and leads women on adventures of a lifetime. The natural environment is her inspiration and stunning bush trails offer her unique tribe the perfect training conditions to challenge their body and mind.
Rozzie is a marathon and ultra-event lover and in 2019 at 59, Rozzie hiked the length of Ireland, solo, a mere 1,000km “to show that everyone can overcome challenges in their life.”
Just over 3 months ago Rozzie was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. This represents a completely new challenge and in this short time has been a journey of the body, mind … and heart.
Can you use just a few words to describe how you live your life?Fit, healthy, positive.
What is the work you do in the world?
I motivate women to do the things they would otherwise fear doing. I help them to take on challenges both physically and mentally. I love creating opportunities for women to come together as a tribe.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Prior to my cancer diagnosis I worked a lot! I realise now that I spent too many consecutive hours working. Some days I would work from 6am to 8pm training clients at the gym, working in a management role, trek training with my girls and planning trips away for them. I did prioritise catching up with friends and family, both are extremely important to me. I also trained myself at the gym and enjoyed one yoga session every week.
I tried to offer personal training following my first treatment session however I soon realised I was not capable of doing it. I decided to take a break from my regular routine and devote 12 weeks of cancer treatment time to me, to give myself the best chance to heal. I am now excited if I can walk 3 kilometres – woohoo! My 26-year-old son says it is the first time he can beat me up a hill.
I have taken to passive activities that engage my mind. My current favourite is knitting. I am knitting dish clothes to gift to friends. I have loved listening to podcasts and books. I have enjoyed watching adventure films and documentaries; 14 peaks, The Dawn Wall and Free Solo are a few favourites. Every day I catch up with one person. Most importantly, I have learnt to accept help. I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of others. I am learning to soften too. I have undone my closed fists and I accept lovingly everything that is being offered to me.
What is your favourite way to exercise/move your body? What do you love about it?
Being out in nature trekking. I love how nature brings people together, it is a great leveller. I love the challenges the natural terrain provides. I always feel re-energized after being out on the trails and I feel like I can leave all my worries behind. I also enjoy strength training as I like to feel strong in my body. I believe that a strong body equals a strong mind.
What is your favourite activewear piece/s? Is there something that you currently own that you cannot do without?
For me, it is having the right pair of shorts. They need to have a comfortable band, pocket in the back and a phone pocket. I also must have the perfect tights for yoga. I don’t like them to come up too high, just under the navel is good for me. I do feel vulnerable in my tights so they must be built using the highest quality fabric - I hate a VPL!
Is taking time for rest and rejuvenation important to you?
Now more than ever I realise the importance of rest and nurturing. I did not do enough of this previously.
What have you learnt since your cancer diagnosis that you didn't expect?
I have learnt that despite leading a healthy life, it is still possible to get sick! I have learned just how generous and kind people in my world are. I have learnt how to receive care and nurturing from others, and I have been completed moved by it. I feel the love that is being offered to me. My heart has opened and I have also learnt acceptance. I can truthfully say that I am loving what's coming into my world whilst having cancer.
What do you expect from a new activewear company doing things differently?
That you will listen to the needs of women, and you will listen to their feedback. You will not stand on a soap box telling people you are the best. You will create a feeling of community. You will create a quality product, sustainably.
What does simplicity mean to you? Is it important to you?
It means a garment has all the right features without being busy or overcomplicated. I want to be able to put a piece on, feel ‘together’ and go. I have loved wear testing your Cashmere piece, when I put it on I feel 'together’. I love the feeling of flow that comes with this piece.
What does feeling connected mean to you?
Feeling connected to others is one meaning and it is important to me. Another is feeling connection with a brand. I enjoy feeling connected to a brand I’m aligned with, especially when I’m wearing their garments. It feels good to be a part of a community.
In general, do you seek out new products that are created sustainably? Is this important to you when purchasing activewear?
Yes, I naturally lean to brands that are prioritising sustainability. I appreciate brands that are not in the market for a short-term, quick buck.
Which influential women do you admire the most? And why?
Michelle Obama & Catherine (Duchess of Cambridge) because they both live with so much grace. They embody their beliefs and move forward without drama. Strong sporting women like Ash Barty.
What is exciting you at present?
The feeling of love. Having the time and space to reconnect with people from my past.
Is there a phrase or a word that you live by?
Say yes to all opportunities even if they scare you. I don’t want anything to pass me by.
Is there a message you have for us or something else you would like to share with us as creators of a new brand?
Continue being your true, authentic selves. Women will be drawn to your way of being in the world, living with authenticity and showing passion for what you believe in.
Rozzie has been wear testing our 100% organic Cashmere Wrap
Connect with Rozzie at Fittrek | Trekking adventure for women