8 things we are embracing this Spring


Here in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the season of renewal and transformation. Below are the 8 things we are embracing this Spring.
Eating more salad greens and incorporating more beans into everyday meals. Take this inspiration and much more from the Blue Zones, a must watch documentary on Netflix if you haven't already tuned in. 
Swimming in the ocean or simply being by water. Negative ions are abundant in nature, especially near the beach and by waterfalls. They neutralize free radicals, revitalize cell metabolism and enhance immune function.
Resistance training. The workout mix for longevity includes being active whilst incorporating activities that strengthen muscle - think Pilates, yoga, hill walking, dancing, cycling, gardening and lifting weights. The most important thing is that you enjoy doing it! 
Walking. It's the incidental exercise that builds up over the course of the day that makes a difference. Take the stairs, take walking meetings if you can, walk an extra block with the dog, walk to the cafe. 
Planning social activities. It’s time to come out of hibernation and re-connect with like-minded and like-hearted people. Allow the rhythm of the seasons to guide you. 
Cultivating present moment awareness. Mindfulness not only reduces stress and anxiety but also positively impacts brain function and mental clarity. It's an uplifting time of year but also that time of year when we can feel time slipping away from us. Practicing mindfulness helps us to be fully in our bodies to experience each moment. Enjoy this mindfulness meditation by Deepak Chopra.
Clearing and cleansing our home and work spaces and embracing the power of simplicity! Simplicity, whether it be in your wardrobe, in your home or in your workplace leads to a more focused and peaceful life. The energy of Spring is often just what is needed to remove the excess and distractions so you can devote your energy to what truly matters.


Setting intentions for what we’d like to experience for the remainder of the year whilst being open to the possibilities. With less than three months until the end of the year it's a good time to make plans but be open to change and adaptability to follow what's right for you and what brings you joy! 

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